A pocket Archive (10)
I wonder how the tape held up on the highway. Andrei has been feistier than usual and grump at work, so I printed out a picture of the...
A Pocket Archive (9)
What does it feel like? It's instantaneous. It starts in your stomach and makes you feel sick; a harsh, sinking feeling that's almost...
A Pocket Archive (8)
I forget how tall my friend is sometimes. He makes the couch look so small, like an elf sitting in a chair that was made for hobbits....
It's hazy today, and there's a grayish pink tint to the horizon. The humidity makes everything look fuzzy and soft, almost like an...
Late Night Thoughts/Support for O.U.R.
Hi all, This is something I've had on my mind for a while now, and I wanted to mention another great organization to donate to to help...