Human Trafficking Awareness
January 11th is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. While wearing blue in support of survivors is something many choose to do, please remember that there are lots of organizations that can be donated to and it's a much more active and genuinely effective way to support people trapped in these situations. Don't forget your local SA/DV resource centers. Other organizations worth mentioning include:
Compassionate Hope (Tim Tebow Foundation)
O.U.R. Rescue
Survivors Ink
Actions speak far louder than words, so please remember to actively support your favorite organizations so that together we can fight back against abuse. Most places like these are vastly underfunded and the resources are desperately needed.
If you are a victim of SA/DV, and/or trafficking, remember that you are never alone, you are loved, and you are worthy of everything good and beautiful this world has to offer. God loves you and His justice is always certain, even if the world's is not. Keep shining and never stop sharing your stories! 💙